Abide in the Wind Wiki

TesSeraph TesSeraph 10 February 2018

Regarding AitW Translations

In the site that the webtoon is translated, I asked about the current status of it since there was a notice saying that the author does not grant permission for scanlators to translate the work. I got a reply from one of the scanlators: 
"Unfortunately, the author has specifically requested not to upload scanlations to the public platform, but has allowed for private translations.
However, she has noted that once Naver's contract has ended (in a few years), she will be considering an international release. She also has further plans for AiTW which will be announced at a later date (according to her)."

I'm happy to hear that this is not the end for AitW and that there will be even more fans joining the community once it's international, but at…

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Blerghers Blerghers 5 August 2015

So many to go...*sob*.

AitW is near its completion with less than 10-20 chapters to go.  Unfortunately, the wikia is not even close to its half-mark completion.

I've been coming here every day since June, and, although I am nearly finished with a few pages, there are tons more that still need words placed in them - most specifically character profiles and chapter summaries.  There is only one month left for summer until the abominable torture called school comes back to steal my most precious, relaxing holiday called free time.

RainofShadows is occupied with summer school, so I'm actually all on my own with updating the wikia.  Miree comes by from time to time with chapter summaries, unfortunately we log in at different times, so we don't chat with each other on L…

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Blerghers Blerghers 16 June 2015

Finally am part of the team! 〜( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I've been a fan of AitW ever since the first chapter was scanlated by Webtoon Live. but because of its slow updates + other series + personal life, I stopped checking on its updates for few months.  When I finally decided to see how it was going (that was early this year), I found tons of chapters scanlated by Lone Manga from last year!  And to boot, their first scanlated chapter happened on my birthday (now how did I miss that?).

So anyway, now that my passion for AitW has been refueled with the help of LM and Batoto forums , I decided to help a bit on AitW's wikia website.  Truth be told, I was somewhat disappointed with the lack of information that it had (I don't blame you RainofShadows - you're one of the few holding this place up!).  …

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RainofShadows RainofShadows 7 June 2015

I'm Back~

Now, I can finally look through all of the changes that has been made since May. (The temptation was so real during May when I kept on seeing Wikia notifications poping up in my email. Grrrr. Damn you school.) Like I said from my previous blog, I will follow up the plans that I made in order to make this Wikia complete with information. 

Thank you, Blerghers, for making edits and adding contents in the Wikia while I was on a month hiatus. I'm pretty sure I saw you in Batoto (Lol).  

As for the question that you posted on the comment section on my last blog post, "can you change the Wikia's background color to baby blue/pastel blue rather than grey? I think suiting it with Kairak's flames would be cool :]  (although I do prefer it grey for ed…

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RainofShadows RainofShadows 6 May 2015

Inactivity/Future plans

For anyone wondering why I haven't been as active as before, it is because I have been really busy with school as it approches to the end of the school year. Since May is the last month until school year ends, I won't be able to make any drastic editing or changes in the character pages and summaries; due to the grading and Finals.

Despite this, I will still look at the changes being made in the Wikia through e-mail and the page itself. (You think I didn't notice? Muhahaha.) Once school ends for me, in 19 more school days, I'll go back working on the character pages and summaries. This means that I won't be active for the month of May only, in advance.

Here's the future plans and thoughts in regards to character pages and chapter summaries . 


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